bulb sale
bulb sale
The Iowa Regional Lily Society (IRLS) encourages members and the public to plant and grow many lilies. Commercially available bulbs purchased by IRLS are sold twice a year through our Spring and Fall Lily Bulb Sales. The Spring Bulb Sale is held during the Iowa Home Show at the Iowa State Fairgrounds Varied Industries Building approximately the middle of March. The Fall Bulb Sale is held in October in conjunction with the Fall Symposium at the New Hope United Methodist Church in Des Moines. Both sales are open to the public.
We order many different varieties of lilies for the sales, and we try to find the biggest and best bulbs that grow well in Iowa and the Midwest. These lilies are not the same flowers you see in the regular catalogs but a grand assortment of colors, fragrances, sizes, and types of lilies. Each sale includes some of the newest varieties as well as possibly a few of the older favorite beauties. Martagons, Asiatics, Orientals, Trumpets, Orienpets, other Interdivisional Hybrid lilies and Species lilies may be available during the sales.
Our experienced members will be happy to answer all your questions so you will have fantastic blooms! We appreciate your support of the Iowa Regional Lily Society. Hope to see you at the Varied Industries building at the Iowa State Fairgrounds!
Funds raised from the bulb sales are used to educate the public and IRLS members through donations of lily books to libraries, donations of lily bulbs to public gardens, bus tours to lily gardens, lily presentations to gardening and civic groups, the Fall Symposium speakers and the annual IRLS Lily Show at Reiman Gardens.
Member Exclusive Perk
All members get 10% off bulb orders!