The Iowa Regional Lily Society (IRLS) hosts an educational Fall Symposium which is open to the public. This is an opportunity for members to share their knowledge of lilies with others in the society and the public. Usually, four speakers present information related to growing lilies or other gardening topics of interest. In addition to the educational presentations, we host a bulb exchange and a Fall Bulb Sale. The bulb exchange is when IRLS members bring extra bulbs from their lily gardens to the Symposium to share with others, especially the new members. Trading bulbs is a fun and inexpensive way to increase the number of lily varieties in your garden.
The Fall Bulb Sale is a little more involved. You must submit your lily bulb order several weeks before. The Fall Bulb Sale Order form can be found on this website under the Bulb Sale tab or in the IRLS Newsletter. Completed order forms with payment should be mailed to the sales chairman before the posted deadline so that orders may be picked up at the Symposium. If you are unavailable to attend, you may request your bulb order to be mailed to you. Socializing time is included in the schedule during the lunch break which features a catered lunch for attendees. By the way, Master Gardeners may be able to earn continuing education hours through attendance.
We host this event for members to share their knowledge with the society. We usually have a group of speakers that present for about an hour each on different topics related to growing lilies. The lunch is catered and we also combine this event with our bulb exchange at the end of October.